Asset Creation
This first year assignment was to produce an American Gas Station, I chose the 1960's era. We had to produce a high and low poly version of the assets to meet industry standards.

To expand what I learnt I am currently working on a variety of assets, seen in this slideshow.
This is a game based on the world of Doctor Who where the player travels to different locations within the Tardis.
For my animations I create all the models that are featured in them. This helps keep the style consistent and allows the chance to make some more accurate models based off reference images in comparison from using free to use assets that look more generic and don't show any unique traits.

For my game Adrenaline, which I was developed for my final year project at University, I had modelled all the asset for the levels and for the game itself. Fortunately for most of the environment it only required making simplistic designs, but for many models and props more effort was required even with the short deadline.
Some of the assets were much more harder to create than others as they required more complex collisions for the player to walk around in.